Have any of you had weird cravings that you just cant beat? I been trying to beat them since god knows when I went and asked the doc why I was doing this weird stuff and shes like that's a part of having sickle cell, I looked at her then walked out of the office I thought it was a bunch of bull but looks like i was wrong my cousin eats weird things.

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I don't think I can relate to that. Give us an example.
ok like my cousin eats the foam from the ironing board and he swallows beds this his little sister use to have god rest her soul. She is now gone thanks to the stupid doctors she has been a victim of sickle cell but he would eat like non edible things.
You have those types of cravings???
Actually my daughter who is 21 months now craves ice. She can eat ice all day if you let her. When she was younger like 9 to 16 months she would eat paper a lot especially white paper. The doctor says it is pica as a result of the low hemoglobin levels in sickle cell patients. You sometimes see the ice cravings in pregnant women when their hb levels drop
Yes the white paper is what I mean and yes I do have those cravings too its crazy I been trying to stop for a while. I was able to stop for a month by throwing out what use to get my hands on it worked for a while but I don't know how i found a way to get more...i find it embarrassing.
Yes I can relate because of the sickle cell my baby eats any type of paper product especially toilet paper and it drives my crazy!
Eating ice doesn't classify as weird. It's ice... and Hydrating. I know tons of regular people who are addicted to ice. I used be. I used to love eating fresh snow too, and still at 28 get the urge to. Because it's like crushed ice I believe. Baby's try eating anything they get their hands on dont they? I have cousins that ate Paper and especially TP when we were younger. They do not have SC. I thought this topic was a lil off until I remebered that I sometimes chew on cotton balls. I don't eat them though and it's only for a few seconds. Lol!
Awwwww---don't stress peeps, your docs are right, it's normal.

It's call Pica...read up on it. Chronically anemic people tend to crave non-food substances like paper, chalk, sand, Styrofoam, ice and pretty much everything listed below! Some pregnant women have pica cravings as well. It's not abnormal...my personal craving I can remember vividly taking since I was a kid. It was shameful secret that I hid from friends. My family knew, but I think they were ashamed for it. I used to fight it, but now if I have a craving, I just give into it. I can usually go about a week without indulging, but I have a bottle of my craving on my desk, in my car and several all around the house. As long as the pica substance isn't toxic and doesn't harm you, I don't think it's a huge problem. But that's just my point of view.
Actually ice is considered weird because if your eating it all the time even when its freezing out side doc call that a problem and because ice isn't really food so to speak. But ya my craving was foam I still try not to eat it I stopped eating candy and other junk food and started to munch on bread when i got that craving it helps me forget >.> even with my short term memory lol.
Actually, my daughter's doctor said the ice in and of itself is not a problem but the constant chomping on it can damage her teeth, so that is the problem. So I figured that since getting the hydration from the ice is a good thing, then I shave the ice like snow so that she does not damage her teeth and still gets the benefit of the hydration.
I should totally try ice cause I don't drink enough as it is sometimes Im working to much to noticed that I need water but ice is a good idea. I just need help kicking this old habit I even bite my nails to the point where my fingers either hurt or bleed and i can't stand that no more.
I just remembered that I used to eat Baking Soda when I was younger too.


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