So I really don't know what to say about the past few months and whats goin on with my sickle cell. I have never had this much happen to me in such a short span of time...on New year's eve the doctors told me that the knot on my hip was an abscess that was infected! ok...antibiotics and I'll be good is what I was thinking. Nope surgery all from a nurse who gave my phenergan injections IM (intra- muscular) in the same spot and it never absorbed into my muscle. i walked away with a nice wound that had to close from the inside out which meant I had to have an I VAC suctioned to the wound, four weeks & its closed just about then here comes another one on my other hip now!!! This was last Wednesday when the doc who just happened to be annoyed with me when I pointed out that "hey something isn't right", his response was what did I do now???!!! What I'm just now free of the vacuum suctioned to me and he thinks I want to go through this process AGAIN! I'm sittin trying to figure out what causing my body to now have an abscess on the other side & its now infected with staph MRSA. But, this hasn't crossed the minds of my doctors their solution is cut it out and keep going! Well I can't keep doing this...SERIOUSLY...MY LIFE HAS BEEN UPSIDE DOWN....IN & OUT OF THE HOSPITAL & OPERATING ROOMS ISN'T THE WAY I THOUGHT I WOULD SPEND DA BEGINNING OF MY 2010 FOLKS!!!

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Comment by Chasidi Poole on March 10, 2010 at 12:19am
I appreciate that I can speak openly and I have people who truly understand what I'm goin through!!! I thought long and hard about my medical history & I remembered that I have had MRSA back in 08 when my port became infected coupled with the fact that I don't have a spleen and staph never goes away this may have caused the second abscess. Its amazing that I was able to figure this may have caused this & not the docs theory that it was because of my skinny jeans!!! I wonder where these people get their degrees!!!
Comment by Sickle Cell Warrior on March 6, 2010 at 11:33pm
Hey Chasidi, I'm so sorry to hear that you have been going through such a rough time. It is quite possible that the abscesses are not related to you, but to the technique that the nurses administered the IM Phernergen with. Is Phenergen the only anti nausea medicine the works for you? Perhaps having them switch you to a sublingual form, might be more effective.

Remember that this came to pass. You are already healing on one side. You just have to pray for more inner strength and courage to allow you to go through the process on the other side. I highly recommend avoiding getting IM injections, not only can they cause abscesses, but also clots etc.

Hang in there my dear, and I will be praying for you. Come here to talk and we will all go through it together.


Comment by Luchy on March 6, 2010 at 2:40am
I just want you to hold on and know that this is a phase that will phase out and you will have your life back..
Comment by Nana007 on March 5, 2010 at 1:20am
Keep strong, and do what you think is best for your body and not what the doctor thinks.
Comment by Chasidi Poole on March 3, 2010 at 10:27pm
hope ya'll can understand this i didn't exactly use any type of grammer...ima have to do better but this is what was goin on in my head & I dnt feel like proofreading...sorry

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