How to I allow my child to grow as an adult

As I stated before in previuos post I have a daughter who is turning 16. I have treated her like a baby all her life. I guess out of guilt I let her do less than my other kids. I give her just about anything she wants. I know it not right but I thought at the time I was doing what was best for her. I am now starting to realize that she is too depenedent on me. Everytime there is a problem she calls me for help, I dont mind, but she cant handle anything on her own.

For instance me or my husband stays overnite with her why she is in the hospital. Do you uys think that I should stay. IF not when did you parents allow you to stay as the hospital overnight by yourself?

Another thing is she doesnt really know how to act socially. I let h er go places but I am always scared something will happen to her.

Can anyone give me any advise onhow to let her grow up and be her own women or is it too late?

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Comment by Preston on November 9, 2009 at 1:07am
When I got older I didn't really want people staying with me overnight. I don't event tell peolple when I go to the hospital. Maybe cuz they seem to overreact a bit. I was always treated regular and pretty much given freedom to be a regular kid. I'm 28 now.
Comment by Sharolyn Hutchinson on November 6, 2009 at 9:53pm
Thanks for your input. I really appreciate your suggestions.
Comment by Sickle Cell Warrior on November 6, 2009 at 8:54pm
I was sheltered growing up as well, and my mom stayed with me until I turned 18. Then I went off to college, and there was noone there, I was 700 miles from home, and it was sink or swim. I had to learn how to survive on my own, and how to be independent. I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything, and that was the point that I became more of whom I am today. I think that realizing that you are overprotective in the first step. B.Ade's suggestion is a great one, let her try an extracurricular activity like drama club or debate or non-contact sport. Interacting with her peers will help to break her out of her shell gradually.
Comment by Bukky Ade on November 6, 2009 at 8:04pm
Well Im 16 and I started stay overnight in the hospital when I was 15. Not really because I was dependent but because they had to work, there was no other option.
The 1st time, it was a little scary but now its whatever.

As for the social thing, I've always been independent from my parents. I usually make the appointments and tell my parents. I try not to let SCD stop me from doin anything,

Maybe she should do some extracurricular activities to help her get out of her comfort zone...

This is just some thing from my person experience

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