What do you think is a good quick career for black males who aren't physical strong with sickle cell?

What do you think is a good career for those with sickle cell (males)? You know the racism that tends to plaque us in corporate america? Bus Driver or something of that substance, something quick that's not to physically demanding on the body.

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your career really depends on what type of things you like to do or else you will be miserable in your job placement. what things do you enjoy?

Driving, I'm thinking of getting my cdl but wondering if sickle cell would get in the way.

no it wont, it only gets in the way if we let it, don't let it stoop u from pursuing your goals, the best u can do is try, go for it!

Right Ade!
I was wondering about that also my little brother and I both suffer from the affects of sickle cell anemia although he has more crisis's than I do. He just graduated from a small semi-private school First Assembly "Christian" school at the top of his class in Ocala FL and I already see the discrimination he said he wants to be a doctor the school did not give him his degree at the Graduate ceremony and the school said he has to do school work-duty for a full week before he can receive his high school diploma which none of the other students have to participate in because of a senior prank which although he didn't do he was blamed for regardless it's so unfair. He has been in and out of Shands since he was born staying months at a time as an inpatient and receiving multiple blood transfusions I can't even believe they didn't even place a 504 plan or something similar to assist him if he needed more accommodations.

Yes, it's the same for me. Its very difficult because I have to aim for a desk job and can't do anything physical.

Work from home Jobs are great
Yes, such as coding for websites.

Find your passion of what you love to do and turn it to a job. You'll be less stressed doing what you love.

Bus driving is horribly demanding on the body. Sitting is the new smoking. Ever had DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)? It kills "normal" people. Sicklers have a higher chance of experiencing it due to the clotting. I'm lucky it didn't kill me in 2013 but I had to cancel 6 months worth of travel plans because I couldn't fly. 

Speaking for myself, being in tech is cool. Any desk job where you can get a standing (or better, treadmill) desk would be a win IMO. There are plenty of non-coding jobs in various "knowledge" industries. And my health insurance is spectacular. In the last 2 years I've had $500,000 worth of hospital bills at Stanford University Hospital and paid co-pays. 

I think the real question to answer is why would you automatically limit yourself to blue collar options? What's that about? White collar jobs would be the obvious answer to me because of the benefits they provide as long as you're doing something you're good at and enjoy being good at/becoming better at (e.g. you enjoy the process of mastering your craft).


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