I have a 15 year old daughter who has sickle cell. When I see her in so much pain I feel so helpless. She was diagnosed at birth, so it's been a long 15 years(worth it). She was doing really good up until about 2 years ago. She would have minor pain crises and alot of fevers(enemy) but nothing to major. In the last two years she has had severe pain. She went from taking Advilt to control the pain to now she is taking dilloted through the IV and she is still in pain. For all the mothers out there I would advise you to love your child with all you heart but still allow them to be kids. I have to learn to let my daughter do things on her own. I have been told that I treat her like a baby. I do, but she is my baby. I am starting to realize she will be an adult soon and I have to learn to let go. It will be hard, but I will try. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can learn to let go please tell me. Adult of no adult she will always be my baby.
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