Journey through Fear/New Beginnings

Unlike most, I never make resolutions. That's because, in part, I know me well enough to know that I won't keep them, but also because I really do try each and evry day to be better than I was was the day before. I spend a lot of time thinking...reflecting...looking for the lessons that I may have missed. Always trying to be honest about who I am and how I feel. I think a lot about the why behind the why I am the way that I am or do and say the the things that I say and do.

These last few weeks I've many hours thinking about what matters to me most. What am I the most passionate about? What am I willing to sacrifice my life for? Is there anything that matters to me that much? What am I willing to stand and fight for?

While the list is barely long enough to really even be considered a list, the one thing, other than life itself, that I personally find worth fighting for these days is my right and ability to be the Kim that I am. Imperfect. Sometimes incredibly strong, sometimes not so much. Human. Flawed. Afraid. I am many things and I need to be able to freely express myself without thought or consideration of other people's opinions about me. I dig me...I get me. I like who I have become and what's greater is that I know that I am so much greater than what I have become

I have learned that in all things I must be true to myself and always honor my feelings. I hate when people say things like, “you shouldn’t feel like that”...which by the way, irks me...nothing irritates me more than someone telling me how I should or shouldn't feel. Maybe I shouldn’t but what if that really and truly is how I feel? How can anyone tell another how they should or shouldn't feel?

On any given day, I am likely to run the full gammut of emotions...sometimes even all at once. My feelings change and vary by day but whats important is how I process those thoughts and feelings. I feel many things all the time – some that I can’t even name – I need to not only honor those feelings; I need to feel free to go one further by being free enough to express my thoughts…even if I don’t always know how to verbalize them. So, here I am.

I know that I am in transition - the winds are definitely changing - but I have absolutely no idea where I’m going. All I know is where I’ve been. I am about to embark on a new journey...I can feel it. I am afraid. Afraid of walking alone even though I know I must.

My prayer is that on this journey to SELF, while I am learning and growing, that someone can somehow get something beneficial from my life and times. I plan to blog a lot more...a whole lot more. I need to. I have a need to work out the kinks - openly - by writing it all out. I feel much and have something to say. My heart is hurting and I need to bleed out. It’s about putting it out ther to be held accountable. Its about sharing, learning, connecting, honoring, nurturing, feeding...HEALING the woman within.

No one can predict their future – not even with the best-laid plans. I have been held captive by fear for quite some time. Overwhelming fear of taking that first step is enough to stifle even the most confident… I should know because despite my belief in my talents and abilities, I have still been fearful of just jumping out there.

You are invited to share in my personal journey as I follow my path. You are invited to share in my thoughts, my fears, my hurts and disappointments. My dreams and aspirations, my hopes, my heart. My Life.

The time is now. I have to strip down to the barest of my innermost. pray that as I heal, I can help heal another. It is the beginning of my new beginning. Yes I am scared but I have come to believe that the journey really is greater than the destination.

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