Hello everyone, my name is Angela and my daughter has sickle cell and my other daughter has the trait and will both will be getting tested for bone marrow to see if their marrow is a match. My daughter is not sure she would want to go thorugh with the marrow, she is afraid and I understand her fear, for over 16 years ; she has lived with this illness its a part of her, the fear is more what would she be without it. I do not want to make a decision for hear it her body, I have faith either way and will be there for her no matte what to love and care for her.

Has anyone had pain issue with their hips? If so what was done?

Thanks for listening

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Comment by Chasidi Poole on December 5, 2009 at 12:12am
I have had avascualar necrosis of both of my hips. The doctors went in and did a femur core depression since I was in the early stages...thats simply drilling a hole into the femur bone and scraping out the dead sickle cells. I was on a walker for six weeks afterward now I don't have as much pain in the crook of my hip.
Comment by Angela Davis-Beckford on December 4, 2009 at 10:25pm
We did and it is Avascular Necrosis, my daughter has another appointment with a different doctor. Has anyone had to deal with Avascular Necrosis? And what was your outcome? Thanks
Comment by LaNora on December 4, 2009 at 4:28am
If "Avascular Necrosis" has been ruled out...and she is experiencing pain in her hip, legs, back, arms ..depending on the severity of the pain I would do the follwoing:
1.) Hot bath with epsom salt and soak
2.) Sit in a jaccuzi w/jets and allow the jets to hit the area of pain (warm to hot water in the jaccauzi/spa)
3.) After a long soak in warm to hot warm a deep tissue/yet gentle massage starting at the foot of the leg the hip is hurting and working upward til the hip area is reached (a pain pill might be needed for this) but if done right this will help the good blood flow and the bad blood get pushed out the way...however flood intake during all of these is extremly important...
God Bless ;-)
Comment by Sickle Cell Warrior on December 4, 2009 at 1:20am
I have a pain in my right hip sometimes. I was worried that it might be avascular necrosis of the hip, but my hemtaologist said it wasn't that advanced yet. My pain usually comes once in a while, and lasts about the same length of time as a minor crises. Depending in the severity I would have her checked out. Avascular necrosis of the hip is a SCD complication that occurs when a portion of the hip dies due to loss of blood related to the sickle cells clumping off a smaller vessel that feeds the hip. Depending on how severe it is, some people have had hip replacements or corrective surgery. I'm not stating this is the case, but it's best to get it checked out.

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