Lately my heart has been hurting i dont know why that is I don't have time to stop into the docs office but i don't wanna wait till the last second till something bad happens. In the morning I get up and my heart just shoots with pain at night when i go to rest my heart starts to beat fast it takes some deep breathing to slow it down and some warm covers to get it to stop hurting. I have been doing tai chi as a stress releaser but so far I suck lol but practice makes perfect as I was told by one of my friends.
If you have any advice I would love to hear it oh and btw (by the way) I am on the hydroxie but so far it hasn't worked.

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Hi Ebony,

I have not personally had actual heart pain, though I have had lots of pain in my chest. What I would like to stress to you is the importance of finding out what is going on. MAKE TIME TO GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!

Your heart is the one thing you absolutely can not take chances with. Nothing else works if your heart doesn't work.

I know it's the holiday season and stuff, but heart and chest pains is not something to play around with. Go to the doctor and get yourself checked out. I work in the hospital, and I get so many patients with heart conditions that could have been prevented or taken care of if they had come in earlier. I highly recommend you to go the the ER and tell them you are having chest palpitations/heart pain as soon as you get this. God forbid, but if you are having an MI, the longer you wait, the more of your heart tissue dies off. And this is something that can never regenerate. So please, take this pain seriously and GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Please let us know what happens. Best wishes.


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