We still Hope
If so, how and if not, why not and what would you like to see added or removed?
It has been very helpful to me, I have been able to come see peoples questions maybe answer them with past experience or just watch on and learn something. I also like sharing my art and love how some people here accept it. I can not think of anything to add at the moment and I wouldn't remove a thing ^^ Thanks for introducing me here Ade! Forever grateful!
This site has been very beneficial for me. I have been able to meet several people and make great new friendships that have lasted for years now. As I have networked through this community, I have been able to spread the word about my blog and other Sickle Cell related ventures I am working on as well as learn about the projects of others in order to support them and refer friends and family to them. It has been a great resource for information on better living with Sickle Cell and even clinical studies and new developments. I love the way that the forums are set up so that we can have detailed discussions and everyone's input is equally valued. Although I love this site as is, there is always room for growth. I think a great improvement for People Living with Sickle Cell would be a specific page where people could go to navigate through lists of resources like websites, books, movies, etc, that all refer to sickle cell and could be used in better understanding the disease.
Thank you!
- Lakiesha :D
Great ideas, I will look into implementing these on the front page as featured forums so they always appear.
For most of my life I felt like I was the only person with sickle cell disease. This site helps me connect with others that understand what I am going through. And I get to share my experiences with those that need it. I hope to meet others over 40 that have stories of their experiences living with sickle cell disease in the future.
This site has been very beneficial to me, it has helped me connect with others who have Sickle Cell disease that I may have never connected with otherwise in the "real world." It makes me feel as though I'm not alone when dealing with this illness & there are others out there that have experienced some of what I'm dealing with on a daily basis. I think the site is a good avenue to help individuals express themselves when they feel as though they need to talk/vent with no judgement from others. Overall I appreciate the hard-work and dedication of the individual that is keeping the website up and running & allowing this community to connect with one another. Blessings!! & I hope to ALL reading this you have a happy and healthy holiday season.
~ tharris018@yahoo.com
The site has been very inspirational to me. I have SC type sickle cell disease. I have had over 20 operations to repair damaged tissue bones and organs. When I felt like giving up I am encouraged to continue to seek out and take advantage of the medical care that is available to keep me thriving.
My Best to all in the upcoming year. Take care and enjoy life!!
Unfortunately the platform I use would charge an additional 20/month for hosting an app and that's just for a basic HTML5 rendition. The site is currently accessible via your mobile browser, although the layout isn't great but I plan to work on implementing an app the near future!
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