So ive been going through puberty and ive been noticing changes.Growing hair everywhere,getting taller, and facial features changed a little,girls noticing me more and visa-versa.I was also a very shy person but i think im growing out of it a little.I think that puberty started right around the time I started to workout so im kind of devolping an athletic build.I am trying to get into shape to try out for football.I always wanted to play but people always said it was too risky so ive been conditioning myself with weight lifting,cardio, and ive been jogging.Anyway,the "but" in the title is my appetite.Ive been eating like CRAZY.It picked up more than 10-fold.I just wanted to know is this part of puberty or can it be part of something more serious.

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i wouldn't worry about it, just attribute it to a faster metabolism since u have been working out lately

Yes this is apart of puberty, its good that your excersing but one thing you must do please stay hydrated cause one time i was working out and got dehydrated that was one of my worst pain crisis ever, and never let anyone tell you, you cant do anything cause i was told that i could'nt excersise but i prove the doctors wrong what i do now is i work out for 15 teen minutes then i take a break and get some water then i do another 15 teen minutes then i rest...  keep up the good work and Stay Bleesed

great advice!
I agree, dont let anyone tell you you cant do something, Ive been bboying and its great excercise for me and also a good stress relief. GO FOR IT!!! just stay hydrated.


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