How did you all hear or find out about the site

Hello everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. i just wanted to get an idea of how you all heard bout or found, or stumble upon this site or community...


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Someone else found it while researching our illness and forwarded the info. to me.
Just stumbled upon and am more than excited!
I stumble upom d site while doin my weekly research on SS and i felt rite at home.
I found Sickle Cell Warriors blog first and saw the link on her page.
Ade, I think your sis either emailed me or left a comment on my page with the link. I've been home ever since:)
yea she told me she commented on your blog and told me to check it....i think half of the people here probably came from your blog site :-)
I googled sickle cell community or group or maybe discussion. ...Something like that.
I googled Sickle cell support group and started to look at every link this was maybe the 3rd link.
My son is has (SCD) and he is going through an crisis now he is only 11 years old. I goolge Sickle cell and thats how I found the site.
I found out through my boyfriend who's been doing a lot of research about sickle cell. I love him so much and i thank him for standing by me because i know it's not easy to deal with someone who has sickle cell.


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