A cure for Sickle Cell Disease....................?

1, How soon will a universal cure for sickle cell disease be available?
a) Less than a year
b) 1-3 years
c) 4-5 years
d) More than 5 years
e) Not in my life time

2 Do you think stem cell research will provide the cure?
a) Yes
b) No
d) Don't know

3 Have you heard of bone marrow transplant as a cure for sickle cell disease?
a) Yes
b) No
d) Don't know

4 Are you eligible for bone marrow transplant?
a) Yes
b) No
d) Don't know

If your answer is no, please state reasons.

5 Have you heard of cord blood transplant as a cure for sickle cell disease?
a) Yes
b) No
d) Don't know

6 Would you bank your child's cord blood?
a) Yes
b) No
d) Don't know


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1. D
2. Don't know
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. No, I don't want kids.

Are you using us for some kind of research? I get the feeling that this survey is leading somewhere...what gives Dr. D?
Sickle Cell Warrior and Shukura,

Thank you so much for your responses.
Yes, I am doing research....but my research is personal. It is learning by asking questions. From the two answers, I see the need to talk more (or post a video about bone marrow transplant-see video section Ohene-Frempong) and from the cord blood question, I can write or direct people who want to know to a good review/write up about cord blood in sickle cell disease.
It is not the kind of research you did for your course work. It is not a formal "research". Of course for a formal research, you will need informed consent, research protocol, IRB approval etc etc.
That is it Warrior........we are in the same War! I am on your side in many ways than one!


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