The Reason Sickle Cell Patients Have A Bad Rep

I just got home from the Sickle Cell crisis center at Grady and while I'm now 100% pain free I'm utterly drained. I got zero sleep last night there were many reasons but the main reason was the patient across from me who was a classic example of why Sickle Cell patients gets such a bad name. She came in around 1Am and was a horrible patient from the minute she came in. She came in crying loudly which honestly didn't bother me, I've shed plenty of tears over this disease and while I prefer to cry in silence if you feel that bawling like a 5 year will help you then do so. What bothered me was her behavior and her constant demands.

She came in crying and yelling. "help me help me I'm in pain" she yelled this NONSTOP from the moment she came into the acute care center until the moment she got her pain meds. The doctor wasn't in and it took about 35 mins for the doctor to come. The nurses can't and they won't give any meds until after the doctor see you, she was yelling "Help Me" "Do Something" "Where's the Dr" "Im in pain" NONSTOP. She kept buzzing for the nurses nonstop. The nurse told her repeatedly that they couldn't do anything until the doctor arrived. When the Doctor finally arrived the nurse told her that he was here and that there was another patient in front of her. You would think she would calm down but she got worse and louder in her demands. When the doctor finally came in, she wouldn't answer any of his questions, she just repeated her demands for pain medication.

She finally gets her IV and morphine and is quiet for maybe an hour before she starts buzzing the nurses nonstop AGAIN saying she is still in pain and they NEEDED to Do something about this. I really really wanted to tell her Shut the F up. I mean she was HORRIBLE, and I'm sure I'm not the only other patient who felt this way. You could her crying and yelling from the bathroom which is on the opposite side of the room. She really acted in a way that I feel is the reason why so many Sickle Cell patients experience discrimination and it really was uncalled for. I understand your in pain, but the Nurse heard you the first time. Why did you feel the need to yell at her nonstop, also you were disrespectful to your fellow patients because EVERYONE could hear you. The acute care center is small only 12 or so beds with just curtains for privacy and sound really carries in that room.

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Comment by Myra Davis on March 20, 2011 at 6:54pm
oh wow that sucks. i too would be highly annoyed by her rants...and i agree with Maurice about suffering in silence...ive learned to psych myself out of the pain and try and lie still.. think happy thoughts like peter dad has taught me about taking my mind off of the pain as well. thinking about the day i get out of the hospital and etc...but that is totally awesome that there is an acute care center for you all there.. you would think with Houston being a large city with an outstanding medical center we'd have something like that here
Comment by Twyla Clark on September 26, 2010 at 12:40am
I was just told by afriend of mine about that center!!! I almost want to move to ATL just for a place like that! I hate being put in the hospital evry time I go to the ER!!! I live about 2hours from ATL. I am so JEALOUS!!!! LOL
Comment by Maurice Lamount Alford on June 1, 2010 at 2:08am
I thank God that I had my Mom and Grandmother who taught me to suffer in silence. My Mom is a RN so I learned to be a good patient from her but my Grandmother is the one who taught me to suffer with dignity. Now at almost 41 unless the pain is at a 9 or more I'm able to maintain and a only at a 10 am I in tears and might not be able to hold back the screams. I was taught to lay still as possible and to go somewhere else in your head and above all to stay as calm and relaxed as possible. All that the horrible patient was doing goes against everything that I was taught and against all that I have learned on my own.Sickle cell patients who act like that do give us a bad rep but those of us who are always calm and polite negate the bad reps.
Comment by Ali on April 19, 2010 at 10:09pm
I am sorry that you had to experience that. There is no excuse for her behavior. Your description makes me believe that she is a drug seeker. There is no reason to be rude and inconsiderate. Yelling does not help our pain, I actually think that it can exascerbate it at times. I hope that she knows of this site and reads your post.
Comment by Nana007 on April 15, 2010 at 10:08pm
I'm not doubting her pain, I'm sure that she was in pain, but the demanding attitude was horrid. She was NONSTOP with her demands. Your in pain ok, but so are the other patients and I'm sure they don't want to hear your demands. And you will get so much, more respect if you respect others for instance. The patient in the bed next to me was still in pain after her 3rd shot and at Grady its 1.2.3 Go. The nurse went and talked to the doctor and the doctor agreed to give her a 4th shot. She didnt demand more medication from the nurse she asked. Now tell me if you think the nurse would go and talk to the doctor for the patient that is acting an ass.
Comment by Luchy on April 15, 2010 at 8:08pm
Lol. She must really be in pain but she forgot that other people could be having acute headaches

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