Hi all!

This is for anyone who is trying to grow their hair, not just women.

I have natural hair (no relaxer) and I watch lot of YT videos and I see all these ladies who have been natural the same amount of time I have been and their hair is longer than mine. Even my friend from school just went natural hair grew like crazy over the summer.

I was wondering is it just MY hair that grows slow or is it something related to the SS. Have any of you ladies/gent have slow growth? I take care of my hair keeping it moisturized and all that jazz. it does grow, just verrrry slowly. lol

Update: Anyone experienced unexplained hair loss? 

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Mine too!!!!! My hair has been the same length for the past 3 years. My sister who has scd as well, hair grows faster then mine though so I guess everybody is different.

I've never heard of anything that relates hair growth to SS but I do know that there is a connection with abnormal thyroids and sickle cell. If you have thyroid problems it can affect hair growth and texture. I have hypothyroidism and had issues with my hair thinning out. I went natural about 10 months ago and have been taking my meds regularly, now my hair is growing out really nicely. I'm sure it's a combination of eating well, taking my meds, and caring for my hair. 

I don't know if the thyroid thing applies to you but it may help to look into it. Other than that I'm not sure if there's a connection. Good luck! 


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