Marijuana...for Medicinal Purposes, of course ;-)

I am wondering if anyone on this forumn has done or heard of research on the medicinal value of smoking marijuana? I have always smoked marijuana - long before I knew what the world medicinal meant - but it was mainly because I wanted to. I enjoyed it.

Now, I honestly believe that my smoking marijuana aids me in managing SC in many ways. Not only does it serve as a buffer to stress, it also helps me sleep and makes it more bearable to endure the constant, everyday pain in my joints...especially my knees.

Could it be that I have psyched myself into believing these things? Or, could it actually be that marijuana truly can be used for medicinal purposes.

Help me out family - What do you think? Is there one among you who can offer honest insight? Or, even an educated opinion?

The reason I ask is because I have been really considering discontinuing my use of marijuana. I want to stop despite what I personally believe are benefits to me. Since I'm being so honest right now, let me tell you - it makes me lazy. I need to focus on so many things...things that I really should be doing...but I have been saying, "I don't feel like it" a whole lot more than not.

I am also thinking of my need to honor my resolve to be a better me this year. It's almost June...Need I say more?


I am considering not smoking anymore because I want to be more accountable for what I do with my life from here on out. This includes my health.

I didn't think I'd live as long as I have but now that I have seen 40, I want to see 50. I believe that I can see 50.

Seeing 50 is going to require me putting forth the most effort possible into a healthier lifestyle. (I am getting old ;-) Also, in keeping with the whole honesty thing, in addition to being lazy, I admit that I don't eat well. In fact, I eat what I want, when I want and far too much! I do not exercise and I don't go to the doctor often - even when I am feeling lousy or like something may be wrong (yes, I know better - we'll have that discussion on another post) I'm no dummy...I know that I can not realistically expect to see 50 unless I make some changes. I just don't know if my marijuana use is one of them. If smoking marijuana is actually more harmful to me than helpful, then I need to get a grip and add it to the 'to be removed list'.

Again, I ask your thoughts. What, if anything, do you know about SC and the use of marijuana?

PS# This isn't a debate question. I am not asking about whether its right or wrong, I am asking for your knowledge of and/or experience with marijuana. If it doesn't apply to you, so be it. If it does, can we talk?

Views: 33


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Comment by Maurice Lamount Alford on June 1, 2010 at 2:32am
Well I for one know that I have smoked weed and had it bring on a Crisis when I was 19 but I have smoked weed and had it relieve my pain better than the Oxycontin does. I am going to get a medical marijuana cdifferent ard in July if not sooner because now I know they have different strains that work differently and I aim to find the strains that I need because my tolerance is sky high on the oxycontin 320mgs every 3 hours plus 4-9 Oxycodones for breakthrough pain thats entirely too much I'd rather smoke some weed and get better pain control so I am definetly advocating for medicinal marijuana for pain control for Sickle Cell pain!!
Comment by Nana007 on May 26, 2010 at 5:13pm
I smoke because I enjoy smoking. I also believe that it does help the daily stress as well as some of the minor pain. I have found that eating it is actually better than smoking as far as pain control goes. The laziness caused by smoking and eating is indeed there. I make sure however that it doesn't interfere to much and that what needs to be done is done.

I know as far as Sickle Cell goes that recently an Activist died Sister Somayah Kambui she has Sickle Cell and was a major marijuana activist for medical purposes. She advocated eating it and has a few old youtube vids. Aside from her I have never heard much about marijuana for sickle cell.
Comment by Tari Harden on May 25, 2010 at 12:51pm
im no expert on it but since our lungs are bad and could possibly trigger acs....i wouldnt. and one of my friends from highschool smoked weed he has sicke cell too....he was gone from school the rest of school. i asked his sister what happened to him she said he had a stroke and a heart attack...could have been the weed....could have been the sc...dont know havent seen him since

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